Traditional Season of Lent

As we are in the traditional season of Lent we’ve chosen to write about Letting Go of things.  We can find a varied number of customs dedicated to this season. I’m sure you each have your favorite. But today we would like to offer perhaps a little different approach. In Christian-Metaphysical thought as Chirothesia represents, we are encouraged to discard a way of thinking or responding to our life that has not or doesn’t work well for us; doesn’t give us the results we might prefer in our walk of The Way.

Personally, in looking back at my Lenten Letter to Self, it seems that each year I think of letting go of impatience with myself and others. Oh, every year there is less to let go of but still little chips of impatience still jab at my heart. I’ve also observed this same situation of others. It seems we are all in the same boat. The question then for each of us; when shall this letting go process be accomplished? This is a question we all can ask. It is a dilemma we are given the opportunity to examine almost daily and especially during the season of Lent. We are all diamond cutting masters of our own life and path, chipping away at the Diamond within each of us.

Also we are reminded that each person on this earth at this moment is important and that includes us too. Sometimes we forget how important in the Plan we are and likewise so is everyone because we are all part of the same creative vibration. We are each one part of God, the Creator.  We are all one with God and one another. Our understanding of this Truth expands and become deeper and sweeter, hopefully, each year we walk this earth. At this time in the evolution of our planet and our species this perhaps is the most important realization; We Are One. Our Statement of Truth; God is; I am brings us into harmony with this inclusive thought of oneness. 

Individually, we have each been given an assignment to proceed along the path of life polishing the jewel that we are, letting God’s Light and Love shine through us in everything we say and do or even intend or try to do.  A Big assignment you say, Yes it is. We are also to remember that we are a work in progress, which takes practice, practice practice and learning upon learning to be the best that we can be at every moment. Sometimes and often as our understanding grows deeper this require a change. That change even takes patience with self and others, but it is all part of the Master Plan. Within the Kingdom, which we know is that silent place within each of us, we find the answers and the Peace that passes all understanding.

Start with intention, followed by commitment, then perseverance, practice and patience. It has been my experience that it takes all those ideals to go within, to the Kingdom and polish the diamond that we each are or to accomplish anything worth while. The more we focus on our intention, on the Love and Light of God, making this our main focus inclusive, the easier life’s challenges will be however. It doesn’t matter what the challenge might be, it can be dis-solved in Divine Love.

When we started our Way of Life, we may have had a little Divine Love understanding in our hearts and minds. However, when we LET that little seed of understanding grow and bloom forth in our life fully, we soon will realize the seed has multiplied beyond our expectations. Let our prayers always be “Beyond my expectations”. Within the Kingdom our understanding increases day by day.

Let our first step at the dawn of each day begin with a personal awareness of our connection to the Divine and All Life on earth and fill our heart to overflowing with the honor for this opportunity. “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his right-eous-ness and all these things shall be added to you”

It is with deep Honor and Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you.

Let us share also the Light Bearers:

(Translated from the Ancient Mystery Schools of the Essene)

Men of the Earth, Brothers in Eternity, shake your souls Awake.

The hour so long waited for, the promised hour has come.

Over the dark firmament of suffering humanity is rising the morning star.

Heralding the day that you will understand that mans most sacred duty is to be man.

That is, to manifest life, intelligence, truth and love.

There is no higher aim, no vaster problem.

And you who realize this will break the fetters with which ignorance and fear

have bound unconscious humanity,

and will stand up free and know yourselves to be the eternal manifestation

of the un-manifest.

Witness of the absolute, sons of the great ALL

whom you call God.