dove-747598__340 is in Harmony with this tremendous Thought pattern and invite you to join us.  Love and Light, Dr. Grace Bonnell  4/8/2017

Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth are in the midst of the most intensified purging process we have experienced to date. The outer-world effect of this cleansing process makes it appear as though everything that can go wrong is going wrong. That is because everything that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. We can easily see the surfacing negativity. What we cannot see as easily is the tremendously powerful Light of God that is pushing the negativity up to be healed in our individual and our collective lives.

The Divine Intent of this intensified cleansing process is to help Humanity move through this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan much more quickly, so that we can clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, Abundance and God’s Eternal Peace which are associated with the New Earth..

In order to help us accomplish this accelerated purging, we are being offered unprecedented assistance from the Heavenly Realms. But as you know, the Universal Law is that call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. This means that in order for Humanity to receive the full benefit of this assistance from On High, it is necessary for us to invoke this Divine Intervention through our I AM Presence and our unified Heart Flames. To help us accomplish that the Company of Heaven has given us a powerful Activity of Light.

By participating in this Activity of Light this month, while millions of people all over the World are celebrating Passover and Easter, Lightworkers will fulfill the call for assistance and our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven will be able to bathe the Earth with the most intensified frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and the Mother-of-Pearl Resurrection Flame that Humanity is capable of receiving at a cellular level. These two Sacred Flames will flow through the collective Cup of Humanity’s consciousness and our unified Heart Flames and they will lift up and bless all Life.

If you have the Heart Call to bless Humanity and ALL Life on Earth in this powerful way, please join with your fellow Lightworkers all over the World and participate in the following Activity of Light as often as your I AM Presence guides you to during the rest of the month of April. Patricia Cota-Robles @ New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose