

Each Spring we are blessed with the abundance of beautiful blossoms from God. Trust you will enjoy snaps of the colors each with the Vibrant Thoughts each day this week. The more blossoms the more petals fall and form a colorful carpet, which is beautiful too. This sight give us an Abundance of color. We can be filled with joy for both the sight of the flowers and the carpet of petals in anticipation of the new green leaves and a blessed another season.  I choose joy this morning as I looked out my kitchen window. Hope you will too. The larger the petal carpet the more color to admire. Happy Day/Spring everyone.

Gratitude opens the Door

Want to share with everyone that Our Dear Dr. Beverly’s health is continuing to reach the highest goal of Radiant, Vital and Dynamic Vibration. And remind us all that Gratitude opens the door to more blessings than we can imagine in every situation. It isn’t our assignment to decide how or when. It is our assignment is to be ready to receive abundantly and be Grateful always. Be Still and Know!

Lesson for Week of May 8, 2016

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Happy Mother’s Day

God’s Abundant Creation

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

This being Mother’s Day, we want to first say to all Mother’s and all who Mother, the deepest gratitude for being the Love of God reflected in so many ways.

Being in the image of God,” is each person’s first title and responsibility here on Earth.

Please don’t shy away from that ‘ability to respond’. We sometimes need a gentle reminder that we do have that ‘ability to respond’ and reflect the Love and Light of God in response to all things which happen daily.

Perhaps one of the hardest things we have to contend with is to keep our thoughts definitely focused on God and His creation. There is no lack, no illness, no want in God ‘s Creation. The entire creation was a gift to each one of us, with everything we have need of or ever will have need. To sustain our Right thoughts is a continuing process, sometimes taking concentrated effort on your part to stay in Harmony with God’s Creation and thereby being ready to receive our many blessings.

Negative thoughts and action seem to surround us sometimes. Take the damaging thought of fear. A few days ago I had occasion to consult with a person so was filled with fear. Fear was the only thing they could think of. Fear was actually manifesting as illness and inability to function. Fear, of course, is a negative condition outside the parameters of God’s Creation. This person had allowed it to accumulate to the point that they could think of nothing else for any length of time. Another words they were consumed with fear. Many people experience these kinds of negative thinking. Not many are free of negative thoughts 100% of the time. This intrusion into The Way keeps them from their intention, their truth. It is our nature due to the “image” from which we each were created to know the truth.

The seeds one plants into our consciousness work for us while we are resting, while we are asleep and are most essential. If we allow confusion and unreality to take their places alongside of the “Re Al” then our very mentality is working against us in a negative vibration.

The Daily Vibrant Thoughts we offer each week are always phrased in the positive; The prayer, which is called The Lords prayer, is phrased in the positive.

Any negative or negation within our prayers and meditations are misguided and not helping us reflect the Light and Love, the Abundance, the Health, the Peace etc. we work for. The Universe can’t supply what we ask for in this manner. Within our relationships we could also benefit by practicing this formula of positivism. Plant, water and cultivate the seeds of Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness and your garden (life) and they will blossom into beautiful flowers beyond your expectation. What ever the pressing thing might be for you, as you travel The Way. do the same and remember your Creation, your heritage. “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Perhaps this would be a good spot to share the Metaphysical meaning of heaven…The kingdom of heaven is a state of consciousness when the soul and the body is in harmony with Divine Mind, The Creator, The One, God. Remember your Creation in your thoughts and thinking, your actions and your words. Harvest the Blessings.

It is with deep Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you the Power of Creation.

Let us share also the Light Bearers:

(Translated from the Ancient Mystery Schools of the Essene)

Men of the Earth, Brothers in Eternity, shake your souls Awake.

The hour so long waited for, the promised hour has come.

Over the dark firmament of suffering humanity is rising the morning star.

Heralding the day that you will understand that mans most sacred duty is to be man.

That is, to manifest life, intelligence, truth and love.

There is no higher aim, no vaster problem.

And you who realize this will break the fetters with which ignorance and fear

have bound unconscious humanity,

and will stand up free and know yourselves to be the eternal manifestation

of the un-manifest.

Witness of the absolute, sons of the great ALL

whom you call God.

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Lesson for week May 1, 2016

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“If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.”

John 13:17

It was during the time of Passover that our scripture this week comes from. Yesterday, was the Celebration of Passover 2016. There have been powerful energies upon and around the Earth these past several weeks; Full Moon, Earth Day and Passover to mention a few. During all of these dates, groups of people, all over the world focused thought streams of energy, and love toward these events.

We are all affected by these concentrated thoughts. We are, as we have mentioned, in the midst of a time, God’s Time and Plan which is exciting and there is much for us to do. We are going into the Crystalline Age of the 5th Dimension in our New World. Everything is going faster and faster. The good and the not so good are surfacing to be embrace or transmuted in Love by you and me. We are one. And Divine Love is the key to the Way we all search.

The message continues, that was presented to the disciples long ago, is a tremendous gift to us today. Chapter 13: 13-15, after he had washed their feet. (To understand perhaps more clearly; saddles were worn in those days and the roads were dusty/unpaved.) Jesus said, “You call me Teacher and Lord; and what you say is well, for I am. If then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, how much more should you wash one anther’s feet? For I have given you this as an example, so that just as I have done to you, you should also do.”

Now surely we are not suggesting that you wash other people’s feet today. What we are pointing to is that Jesus’ Way was to Love one another as he had said in his “first” commandment, just saying it in a different context.

We are reminding us that we are all from one source, one creation and that is of God. God is Love. People have chosen, and we feel mistakenly, chosen to divide our brothers and sisters by different labels. Labels that divide original Oneness. Yes, most certainly we have differences, uniqueness and special-ness. However, we can see sameness too, if we still our label calling and strive to follow the way lived clearly by Jesus, The Way of Life. As the Tuesday’s Vibrant Thought, God’s Plan is to be lived. That is the Way Jesus the Christ lived. And what is more Jesus told us that we, with the gifts he had shared with all the people, could achieve Christ Consciousness.

In this day and time we are each being giving the opportunity to accept fully, regardless of any label put upon us in the past, to live fully in love, joy, peace and all goodness, which was established by the Divine Creator, God, in the beginning. This is a new world and the assistance is being  Heaven given. But like all gifts from the Divine, we must accept that our I Am presence is one with ALL. As our Statement of Being states: God is; I am

“The path,The Way- is for Love to come full circle back to its own simplicity. You were created as Love in a place where love only knew itself as One.”  a quote from one of the books we recommend, The Keys of Jeshua by Green

We are all aware today of the misplace feelings that have come from the mistake of separation in our world, which is now showing itself in hateful ways, hurtful way. Hatred due to misunderstands of our uniqueness. “Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through Love. This is an unalterable law.” This Truth was given to us by The Buddha, who interestingly,  Buddha’s date of birth was another world event celebrated recently, May 14th. More concentrated Love focused by many.

Peace is an inside job along with Joy, Harmony, Happiness and today there is strong medical evidence that even health and wealth must start from within. Thoughts, self thoughts especially are things. These are the reasons we suggest and encourage going within to the Silence of our being. The Way into this sacred space within is prayer and meditation. Like anything else…It takes concentrated practice. To quote Wordsworth, “The world is too much with us; late and soon. Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers.”

So take your knowledge from the Divine Love and take your power back and use it to the benefit of all.

Remember “If you know these things, happy are you if your do them.” And the Way is surely to “Be still and know” (Psalms 46:10) for God’s Love is the supreme attainment. We are one in that Love regardless of our differences and uniqueness. Blessings!

Lesson for the Week April 24, 2016

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“But when the Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into all the Truth;…” John 16:13

Our scripture this week comes as Jesus and the Disciples were on their way to Gethsemane. The Disciples were trying to comprehend that their teacher would be leaving them physically very soon. Their hearts were filled with fear and sadness at what was to happen. They couldn’t imagine how they could do without His daily guidance, fellowship and their daily interaction with their teacher.

Putting His personal concerns aside he was thinking of them, John tells us. Jesus had taught them to live in the Love and Light of God; filling their hearts so full of these True vibrations that there was no possible way the shadow of fear or sadness could remain. That is not to imply that these thoughts will not try to intrude in our heart and mine from time to time. But imagine his frustration with this entire situation and these kind of thoughts must have been on his mind too when he made the statement, “Father, forgive them…” Not only did Jesus forgive his prosecutors but he was also forgiving his Disciples.

We would put forward here today, that these same emotions and vibrations are being showered upon the people who live in fear and sadness, all people, in today’s world. This same forgiveness is yours and mine NOW. Shall we step out of the shadows and into the Light as we accept fully this treasure of forgiveness? Shall we listen in the stillness of our heart for the Guidance of the Spirit of Truth? Wondrous answers to our Prayers are promised. Shall we accept NOW? This is not just an Easter lesson, and we how to convey that because it covers all of life every day. We all have shadows, fears, sadness cross our path from time to time. The good news is that there is Guidance available, but we must ask and prepare to receive. Shall we take that step forward into the bright future of unexpected blessings as we consciously live in the Light?

Maybe in the confusion and loose of people and things today,  that we have grown to love so dearly, we are being called to take that step with positive resolution and high purpose. The help we need, the guidance we crave is available. Sometimes we just need to be ready, be prepared to receive. Like Jesus we have the ability to go within the depths of our  own fear, sorrow, pain to comfort someone else, who perhaps is still searching for those same things. Even in our acts of helping we will find direction for ourselves. Be Happy!

Perhaps you have grown into the habit of thinking your abilities are short. We say that your abilities are unlimited. Simple look at the word which is calling for your action; ability. Break that word down and you will surely see the unlimited possibilities. Take it personal; A- Bility. You have the a-bility to accomplish all that is within the Law of God; that is the Love and Light of God’s creation. In doing so our task is to establish Harmony and remain in Harmony as we go about our a-bilities.  God is; I am. In the stillness of your being you will find the guidance required and be prepared to accept it in unlimited, expanded quantities in your person efforts.  Expect no limits in God’s Light. Expect nothing less than big!

Our chosen scripture was not just a promise to the Disciples but a promise for all who will accept today, NOW. Be Still and Know.