Direction of Thought (Part 3)

Meditation and or the Chirothesian Harmony exerciser is directing your thoughts and will require considerable practice before reaching the point of what is The Silence.  It must be understood that this instant of Silence is just that. This state of the Harmony exercise is often a stumbling block and discouraging point for many. It is necessary that we approach it with profound understanding, of its essence, for it is not an extended time, it is brief moment but profound beyond perhaps your present understanding.

It is recommended you may spend from a minute or two to half an hour in meditation, the shorter time to be recommended, as long periods of meditation invite self-hypnosis or encourage the mind to wander, both of which should be avoided. We recognize that some schools of meditation encourage long sessions. However, the Western mind, it has been proven, works on the briefer session. This is not to imply that anyone is right or wrong in their application.

In our practice when you accomplish and recognize that, at a certain stage of your meditation, your physical being will become permeated with your original thought force until you realize consciously that and the force of your thought are inseparably blended into one great rhythm of vibrating harmony.

As you pass from the Silence, to the Stillness, one of two things are sure to follow: Either you will be able to demonstrate your original thought or else you will receive impressions of a very high spiritual nature, which without question will be constructive and for your betterment or the betterment of All. Don’t try to force or concentrate upon your thoughts or the ether when it is already charged, for many times the bit of knowledge you receive in this way is far more than the goal you may originally attempted. Do not confuse this bit if instruction with that pertaining to the approach of the Silence of the Spheres. This is entirely a different Silence beyond our thought energy.

Having reached this point, you again approach a technical change, for if continued per se, you begin to radiate and send forth from your body vibrations in accord with the thought force you originally place in your super-conscious mind. Repeating that positive original thought with gratitude than begins setting the stage of life that is the natural unfolding to fill your life in God’s Divine Right Action, in accord with your original thought.

Realize always that you are not dealing with phenomena, this is a Natural Law in operation and that you are only putting yourself in harmony with it. Our scattered thoughts and fractured mind activity in our modern life often keeps us from the Truth That Sets Us Free. Happy journey of Learning to Direct your own Thoughts. (Comments and questions are welcome.)