Direction of Thought (Part 2)
Remember, The foundation in Thought Direction it is essentially brief, concise, complete and comprehensive, as we enter the Silence. Again, entering the Silence is done in an instant and it involves a very brief space of time as we know time.
Teachers sometimes do not give a clear direction concerning that brief space of Silence. Students either get discouraged or confused. By definition, Silence is that space where the mind is switching from the objective to the super-conscious. This is often the stumbling block for many and often discourages the student from reaching for the Silence. The time we are in the Silence is not a measurable time. Therefore, we want to make a clear point here…While spending a minute to a half hour in meditation, the shorter time is recommended, one never slips into self-hypnosis or mind wandering, and should always be avoided in meditation. The Silence, will seem to last no longer than an instant.
When your super-conscious mind becomes saturated with the essence of the Thought at hand, the subject of your meditation, and you know that you know its Truth, that is the instant of Silence. When you relax the conscious mind direction, you may miss the Silence entirely and have what is often experienced by many, that of all manner of thoughts and ideas, which may be foreign to you and the subject of your meditation. Meditation is directing your thoughts and will require considerable practice before reaching the point.
Do not give up. Like any thing we learn, learning to direct the mind takes practice. At a certain stage of your meditation, your physical being will be permeated with the Thought Force at hand until you realize consciously that the Force of the Thought is inseparably, blended into one great rhythm of vibrating harmony with YOU. Demonstration comes when this harmony is fully realized. (to be continued)