Lesson for the Week of 7/17/2016
Have a Steadfast Mind
“Thou wilt keep us in perfect peace, for in thee we have trusted, O Lord, for ever and ever. For the Lord God is an everlasting strength;” Isaiah 26:3
We realize we’ve used this scripture recently but it seems to lend itself to the words we wish to share today and the need of our world to remember the Peace that Passeth all Understanding. How can we keep a Steadfast Mind with all the distractions our instant news these days, of happening that are less than a reflection of peace?
First let us remind that Isaiah wrote these words, authenticated as perhaps the oldest manuscript still available. Archaeologist have dated it as being 1000 years older than any known manuscript of the Hebrew Old Testament. The words are essentially the same as we have today in our Bible, which also goes a long way to authenticate the integrity of our Bible. The original scrolls were discovered, in 1948 and 1949, in rolls, written on parchment, where they were hidden during the Roman Conquest of Judea. We submit that this antiquity substantiates the “for ever and ever” and the “Lord God” as having “everlasting strength” for each of us in His Love. Certainly it can be seen that these Truths we present here are not a new ideas. We ask that each one prove the Truth of these statements for themselves. Please never take another persons Truth without proving for yourself.
Assuming the Truth is within these statements, then we know that when we keep our mind, not allowing any of those flashes of negativity to lodge in our consciousness but rather on the Positivity of God, The Creator of all life and the many blessings available for humans on this earth, we find Peace in all things. Peace of mind, heart, and broader peace in life. Our thoughts and reactions to life in general must, for certain, be trained. Especially today in this fast fast world; everything including conversation is faster than ever before. We were told years ago that it would be so and here it is today. I for one, can’t imagine this run away speed in years to come or even process it sometime today, if we don’t get the Truth today, and slow things down as well.
The anchor we can anticipate in life, which will endure through all kinds of stress and strife, meeting each requirement, and accomplish every possibility, is our steadfast mind on God, His love, which is then blended into our love. We can learn but learning requires a fixed purpose, focused on the Highest vibrations. Every High possibility, is the consciousness of God. We are able to live that peaceful and calm with success and a happy life. The success we speak of does not mean merely the temporal things; it also does not merely the spiritual things; but it is all the things with which we have to contend in life; temporal and spiritual.
God’s Love, the steadfast Rock of Truth, when accepted, becomes the balance of power in any life. When we LET that Power of the Love of God be the focus in our heart and mind, then we have a balance of power, for “with God all things are possible.” Perhaps we should expand that quote to: “With God, for all, all Good things are possible” with the reminder that the things that produce good for everyone must come through God.
This may be a new way of thinking and feeling for some. But we can learn if that is our intention. We can react, respond, think from our heart, then next our head, “God will, not mine be done”. It is a individual choice in each of our lives; spiritual or adverse concentration. That which we concentrate upon we shall receive abundantly. That is just the way the Universe works. If your life is peaceful and happy, then there is a Spiritual Light in your life. We are not talking about your church affiliation or non affiliation by any means. Spirit doesn’t look at your status like mankind looks at one another. Maybe we should have a correction in how we label? If your life is full of turmoil and torment, then we can be assured that our consciousness is adverse to The Truth.
According to the dictionary, ‘adverse’ acts against or is in a contrary direction. The question here then is…How is our consciousness this day, this moment? One moment at a time we can make monitor the direction of our consciousness. Some days may need adjustment. But do not despair, STRENGTH is always available to those that ask.
Our annual Church Vacation is sneaking up very fast, the entire month of August. We will still publish our Daily Vibrant Thoughts but there will not be Lessons weekly during August.
During this time we urge individual study, and practice individual using. Please feel free to send any correspondence with us as you live The Truth That Sets Us Free during this time. We wish to also give you a tool that may help this progress…Tools to keep a Steadfast Mind and the blessings associated.
Take a few moments each day, if you will, to tune your spiritual & physical body and listen to the stillness within. To do this we suggest taking a moment to relax every muscle in your physical body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Breath that relaxation in and if you wish repeat the Chirothesian Prayer:
Lord Jesus, take each of us by the had and lead us each gently up the little Path,
Through the narrow Gate, through the Holy of Holies,
Into the Kingdom of God, where all Righteousness abounds.
Here we are each one with the Father.
And we thank, Thee Father, that Thou has heard us;
Thou hears us always.
And we thank Thee, Lord Jesus, for leading us into the Way of truth that frees, the peace
that passes all understanding, the Love that casts out fear, and
The Way of Eternal Life. Amen
Next, breath in Radiant Vital Dynamic Health; Harmony throughout your body. To do this take that thought of Harmony from a spot corresponding about level with your heart but on the spine; feel it spread from that point up the spine to your head, down each arm, torso and legs, to your fingers and toes. Next breath Gratitude throughout your body for All things possible. (…LET God guide your path, which will naturally include all that is spiritual and all things needed physically and financially.) Let that feeling of Gratitude fill every cell of your body. Take time to really feel the small changes in your physical body. Be Still and Know: I and my Father God are one. God is; I am.
Use of your Divine Breath in all these steps for the Glory of God and our individual glory. We share these steps to help you in your journey and particularly during the month of August. May these steps be as much a blessing to you as they have been for many.
We shall repeat these steps next weeks, July 24th, in the lesson as well.
It is with deep Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you the Power of Positive Prayer we share this old dear hymn Chorus:
Peace, peace, sweet peace! Wonderful gift from above!
Oh wonderful, wonderful peace!
Wonderful gift of God’s Love!
Shall we pray: Father, we thank you for hearing our prayers for Peace in our homes, our cities, our States, our Nations and around the World. Amen and Amen Peace be Still!