Lesson for Week of June 19, 2016
Summer Solstice “The Year of the Soul”
“Thou wilt keep us in perfect peace, for in thee we have trusted, O Lord, for ever and ever.” Isaiah 26:3 Lamsa Translation
Tomorrow, Monday, is Summer Solstice. We have shared in these lessons, that there is specific power in each of the solstice, which affect us and all life.
This quote from Keys of Jeshua, Chapter 18, page 229, speaks of the relevant affect on each of us, whether we are fully conscious of these affects or not. A quick look at the world today and your response may prove how the good and not so good vibrations, do affect you. “From the beginning, your growth has been the result of your inner nature interacting with the various influences of the environment. There is no such thing as being independent of the Universe, since you are part of it. You affect it and it affects you.” We are all one and all part of the vibrations of the Universe. As such it is valuable to learn about all vibrations etc. swirling around our Universe and us.
This year, known as the “Year of the Soul” is the year, we will learn to use God’s Power of Love and we will find Peace and we will be tested. It may not happen in an instant, like we generally expect things to happen but it will come to pass. There is a certain amount of peace when we can finally know this as a Truth, as our scripture states, “O Lord, for ever and ever.” The year of our Soul has the potential to bring peace higher than ever before, with the help from many Higher Universal Beings who are ready to help expand our individual Soul Light.
The Summer Solstice is the day of the greatest light in the year. It is our opportunity to ascend and be filled with the Light of Spirit, God, so that we may walk in the world and share greater Light. For each person to truly be, as my favorite script tells us: Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
The King James translation of our weekly scripture: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.” reminds us all of our life purpose and the importance of fixing our mind on the Light and Love of God. If we are to have that peace of mind, that peace that passeth all understanding, it can come only through that fixed purpose filling our minds. What we focus upon we receive. Emphasizing the reason we say not to dwell on fear, hate, or any negative vibration. Stay anchored in God’s Love and Light. This is the only anchorage that we can count on or anticipate in this life that will endure through all kinds of stress and strife and will meet each requirement and will accomplish every good possibility, for us to have the consciousness of God. This applies not only to temporal things; it also does not apply only to the spiritual things but all situations and conditions. It means all things with which we have to contend in life.
When we begin to love God in all we see, that it is the Spirit of God the Creator of Life. For instance when we love a beautiful cloud or a beautiful flower; it is the Spirit of God that we recognize that is beauty. It is in the sunrise and sunset; the Spirit of God. It is the beauty that we find in our fellowship. It is all the desirable things that we can ask for in life. The voice of a favorite singer; the beautiful music of an orchestra or string quartet. Have you ever commented about music as being heavenly? So let us look for the Love of God in many places, we are sure we shall find it. And if it alludes us, keep our minds on the Love and Light of God that it may fill every consciousness involved and that the peace that passes all understanding will be clearly experienced by all involved.
Let us never look to God as a refuge in time of storm Let us look to God as the answer to meet any kind of condition or conditions. Peace be still. Let our Soul be filled with everlasting Light and Love of God; bring only health, harmony, gratitude and abundance into fulfillment.
It is with deep Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you the Creators Law of Love and the Power of Creation in our daily life.
We close this weeks lesson with the Chirothesian Prayer by Dr. D.J Bussell
Lord Jesus, take each of us by the hand
And lead us gently up the little Path,
Through the narrow Gate,
Through the Holy of Holies,
Into the Kingdom of God,
Where all is Righteousness.
Here each of us is one with the Father.
And we that Thee, Father,
That Thou has heard us;
Thou hearest us always.
And we that Thee, Lord Jesus,
For Leading us
Into the Way of Truth that frees,
The perfect Love that casteth out fear,
The Peace which paseth all understanding,
And the Way of Elternal Life.