Lesson for the Week of June 12, 2016
“If you can believe, everything is possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23
We use the terms Christ Consciousness and going into the Silence, but the thought accrues that we should be more specific as to what we mean. These are terms or phrases that many faith based use. But it will serve our intention if we are all on the same wave link to get the most benefit from this lesson on believing and our other lessons.
Going into the Silence is what we call a passive state; it is being still and knowing God, with absolute knowing. After we reach that passive state we can do our prayer/meditation work of our choice in topic. In the Silence we gain complete control of ourselves and those multitude of random thoughts that dance through our minds almost constantly. Those are the thoughts, like a spoiled child, which need to be controlled. The scripture regarding is this, “Be still and know.” Now this is very clear; is it not? However do we really take control of those thoughts ever or do we just push them aside for that moment?
When we do take control we are blessed by Divine Understanding, and when in control of these thoughts we are then entering our of being “One with the Father” the creator of all good and goodness. When we do take control we go from passive thinking to Christ Consciousness thinking. Christ Consciouness thinking is active thinking. The result of our control can only be good and in Harmony with original creation.
We as a people have taken burdens upon ourselves, which we really do not have to do. In Christ Consciousness the results of our prayers and meditations are in the Creators domain. We do have to prepare a place, in our mind and heart, consciousness, to welcome and to fully receive, many times an unknown. All things are made new. With each dawn comes that opportunity, every 24 hours. We must suggest that the first step into The Silence can not be skipped. All comes in order, like the seasons and the very dawning of each day. And as we are new creatures with the dawn, when we live more closely in Harmony with Christ Consciousness. Than as we sail along in Worldly Consciousness attempting to solve everything, get everything, be everything according to the pattern of the world we are creating challenges.
There used to be a radio commentator and author who always ended his radio show with, “More things are rote by prayer than this world dreams of.” We think it would be well to remember those wise words, especially when there are challenges, big or small, in our world personally and globally. However, don’t be like the heathens of many words. God knows already your challenges better than you perhaps.
We encourage every one to take that moment in the Silence, that is all it really takes. Do your five or ten count Divine Breath exercise, repeating an inhalation and exhalation three times. As you exhale, thoughtfully release what ever the challenges are for you at that moment. We remind you that there is no need to repeat their physical appearance ever. Express gratitude for being in that moment in the Silence, claim your oneness with the Divine Creator, God. On your last exhalation claim, “Thank you Father that you know my challenges before I do and your Divine Blessing upon me is prepared for me already. My heart, and mind are clear and ready to receive NOW. And so it is! God is; I am.
Leaving the worldly ‘things’ and reach for the eternal that doesn’t change;
“If you can believe, everything is possible to him who believes.” “With God all things are possible” in the right use of God’s law; Christ consciousness.
It is with deep Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you the Creator Law of Love and the Power of Creation.
Let us share also the reflective words of an ancient Essene Hymn
as translated from The Dead Sea Scrolls
“I have reached the inner vision
and through Thy Spirit in me
Have discerned Thy wondrous secret.
Through Thy mystic impulse
Though hast caused a spring of Knowledge
To well up within me,
a reservoir of power,
Pouring forth living waters,
A flood of love
of all embracing adoration,
Like the splendor of
Eternal Light”