Lesson for the Week of June 5, 2016
“I and my Father are of one accord” John 10:30
If you wonder why we’ve chosen the sun flower as a theme this week, you’ll have to excuse a trip down memory lane with me on a Sunday at the Church on Normandie. It was probably about 1981, a long time ago, but I will always remember the lesson of the wild sun flower arrangement.
We always had beautiful floral arrangements in front of the podium. But this day it was what looked like a mess of tangled wild sunflowers thrown into a vase. Everyone was a buss before service about the presentation. The subject of Dr. Bussell’s lesson was something about our responsibility to let our I AM Light shine brighter and to use the same consciousness that Jesus used; “I and my Father are of one accord.”
Rev. Greenman’s children had picked the wild sunflowers especially for Doctor Bussell. He was thrilled, and we should be as well, with their natural beauty and lesson of consciousness. “They represent the gift of Light directly from the Creator God.” We know that as Christ Consciousness. I still smile when I see wild sunflowers.
Christ Consciousness is the Way, as lived and taught by Jesus who became the Christ. Along the later part of His ministry we find Jesus’ words in John 14:12; “Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believe in me shall do the works which I do; and even greater than these things he shall do, because I am going to my Father.” Not that we would become Jesus The Christ, but His Way would afford us the same results when we remember who and why we are here on earth. We think this to be especially true at this time in world history, if you allow a note about our today.
Metaphysically we take this all to mean that when we follow Jesus’ way, of doing things, thinking about things, it means we must have the same consciousness of going to the Father always. Jesus always spoke in positives. He emphasized that the Father knows what is needed always, so we need not repeat or claim ownership about what the problem appears to be. Jesus claimed his total connection with the Creator God, and gave thanks for the Truth and the Life realized, I am one with the Father.
The Metaphysical Dictionary explains that “by continually unifying ourselves with the Highest of our thoughts and words we too shall become…” “Consciousness is that which we know that we know.”
It is our knowing the connection, without any hesitation, that we are one with our I AM and one with the Creators’ I AM and one with every man, woman and child on Earth’s I AM. That “I AM” is the Principle of life itself. So if we deal with situation in a positive way, or in the Way, the Truth and the Life with it we are on the path of truth, light, and love. There is nothing imaginary, nothing unreal that comes into the walking in this Way, in any situation at all.
It is important to know that we don’t have to be in a mind set of overcoming anything. When we put into action our own Christ Consciousness and know that the highest solution is waiting for us to make that connection with God is; I AM and very important be ready, in every respect, to receive the highest solution. We don’t have to know what form that solution comes in either. That isn’t our concern, all will be Good, as it was in the beginning as recorded in Genesis and many volumes of spiritual books of all religions.
Let your sunflowers bloom brightly as you joyfully accept this wonderful week ahead.
Know that you know, “I and my Father are of one accord.” Or you may wish to say, I am in a balanced interrelationship, Harmony, with God. Say it with your heart, mean it with all your heart and LET your special Light Shine brightly.
It is with deep Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you the Power of Creation.
Let us share also the Light Bearers:
(Translated from the Ancient Mystery Schools of the Essene)
Men of the Earth, Brothers in Eternity, shake your souls Awake.
The hour so long waited for, the promised hour has come.
Over the dark firmament of suffering humanity is rising the morning star.
Heralding the day that you will understand that mans most sacred duty is to be man.
That is, to manifest life, intelligence, truth and love.
There is no higher aim, no vaster problem.
And you who realize this will break the fetters with which ignorance and fear
have bound unconscious humanity,
and will stand up free and know yourselves to be the eternal manifestation
of the un-manifest.
Witness of the absolute, sons of the great ALL
whom you call God.