Lesson for April 10, 2016


Then Simon Peter opened his mouth and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons; But among all people, he who respects him and works righteousness is accepted with him.” Acts 11: 34-35


For purpose of fully grasping the significance of this verse in our world today I’ve chosen to quote the entire 34th and 35th verse. Luke, a highly educated physician from Greece and disciple of Jesus The Christ is the credited author.

Metaphysically the name Luke means: Luminous, light-giving. One who ceases to cling to material/worldly things, abiding in peace and joy. We can always and certainly today benefit by increased luminosity.

Luke was speaking to the Gentiles. The Gentiles of the Bible comprised all nations and peoples not of Israelite origin or faith, who at that time were considered well versed in the Ways of God; the ways of Righteousness. In truth there was no and is no separation in Righteousness. Right-Use of God’s Law of Love.

Gentile metaphysically meaning, a state of mind unregenerate or emotion outside a Higher State of consciousness. Perhaps a State we may find ourselves in situations and events. However today we are all privileged to have a broader understanding of The Way and truly we are expected to use this understanding with wisdom.

The principles of Luke’s message still applies today perhaps with the emphasis on living in the Light and Love of God in the Right-use of Goodness in our choices. Doing so by using our Highest Mind Consciously. As God is no respecter of persons, we too must be open to accept not judge, but be discriminating with care and God’s Grace. An expanded use of our gift of discernment in every day life and living.

When we live consciously in the Light and Love we shall discover a new Nirvana, like that spoken of by Tagor, Nirvana is not the blowing out of a candle. It is the extinguishing of the flame because day is come.”

When a new day or a new approach to living presents by its dawning, we each are filled with Light, the candle has served us well. That may be a new meaning of nirvana, but we trust it will be considered with careful High Minded Consciousness in your prayers and meditations.

In Gratitude present this as an opportunity to share and trust that your week is filled with new visions, oneness, discoveries and new dawnings of Love, Light and Joy.