Lesson for the Week of February 14, 2016
The Power of Gratitude
Of all the gift we are given at birth perhaps Gratitude is one of the most sacred. It certainly is one of the greatest. Well learned and well used it will manifest more than one can ever imagine. We are urged to express Gratitude is an opportunity for unexpected benefits. This expression may be audible or silent but make no mistake there is benefit. Don’t forget the small things in your life either when expressing this gift of gratitude. It is said by the Masters that Gratitude opens the door to our greater blessings, that is the door of your heart and mind so that you are prepared to receive those blessings.
Let us be clear here that Gratitude is not Thank You, but we must remember the importance of those thank you also. Gratitude expressed in our heart and mind is a deep feeling beyond that expressed verbally. The Attitude of Gratitude.
The power of Gratitude is always available to everyone. There is always something simple, small, even perhaps insignificant in the world for which your heart can express Gratitude. People who can see auras or person who has a special aura camera say that this thought forms a vibrations of many colors much like a colorful flower bouquet.
In our world, which is changing so fast and furious, there are times when confusion, and troubles seem sometimes to pile into our heads and seem to smoother us. In those moments, if we will take that Sacred Breath, also a gift, and silently express gratitude for some very small part of our life, the vibration will raise our consciousness above the fray. Our mind, in the midst of it all, will be clearer and we may find, with practice, a peace; a peace that passes all understanding. Surely we all recognize that practice of anything makes perfect the operation and application of that anything.
When ever there is Gratitude in our hearts, there is a hope that we can overcome any situation that may be difficult at the moment. In our hearts we can find the vibration of Gratitude and also there will be great opportunity for us to rise above challenges around us. And it stimulates to the point that when we express Gratitude we very often lift the burden for some one else. There by being our brothers keeper in a way unobtrusive or subjection of our will upon anyone else. It is giving an opportunity.
Dr. Bussell wrote: I like to think of Gratitude as one of the footprints along the Way that Jesus called the “I AM.” I like to to consider that that footprint is so bright and shining and clear and discernible that it lights the way for those who come after attempting to follow as closely as they can in that Path. …If we have Gratitude in our hearts, too, the burden that we are sometimes called upon to bear does not seem nearly so great, for that Gratitude leads us into the realization of other things that have come our way for which we can be tremendously grateful…. For the world needs Gratitude, and we need Gratitude and therefore the combination should be a winning combination….For the expression of Gratitude in our hearts we find we are in Harmony with the highest vibration plan on earth for All. The highest good for all shall be within the harmony of Gratitude. Our I AM presence is operational NOW.
This is the time on our calendar year for our individual personal Transfiguration and Rebirth. Perhaps this is a perfect time also to Express our Gratitude for all the things large and small in our life today.
Dr. Bussell always taught us that it was the small things that brought the most powerful results. Perhaps that is true?
It is with deep Gratitude for this opportunity to share my thoughts and learn with you the Power of Gratitude.
Let us share also the Light Bearers:
(Translated from the Ancient Mystery Schools of the Essene)
Men of the Earth, Brothers in Eternity, shake your souls Awake.
The hour so long waited for, the promised hour has come.
Over the dark firmament of suffering humanity is rising the morning star.
Heralding the day that you will understand that mans most sacred duty is to be man.
That is, to manifest life, intelligence, truth and love.
There is no higher aim, no vaster problem.
And you who realize this will break the fetters with which ignorance and fear
have bound unconscious humanity,
and will stand up free and know yourselves to be the eternal manifestation
of the un-manifest.
Witness of the absolute, sons of the great ALL
whom you call God.