Lesson for Week of February 7

Dravidian Cross1

We stand on the second or third step into a unique vibration these days. Opportunities and possibilities far exceed our past. However, the one thing that is evident is that we much employ new methods to solve problems. We are in a new paradigm. Now is the time to put all negative vibration behind us, the small or big new ones exploding in our vision ever day; turn and see them as they are…shadows on the horizon of Love and Light in our world.

Creation is part of our present and our future not just in the past. We are now moving forward in this expanded creative power of Love and we shall be triumphant as co-creators of this New World.

Our very thoughts, words and action create a vibration felt around and through the earth. Tremendous responsibility isn’t it? But more importantly it is an unprecedented opportunity to co-create a more peaceful, harmonious, happy world for us all. We can do it!

Our prayers must be patterned after a manner of positiveness. If you are working on an area of life,  yous or the worlds, that isn’t working for the benefit of everyone concerned, be very careful not to bring that non working situation into your prayers. What you focus on and what you picture in your minds eye, as you pray, the Universe will supply more it. This isn’t a new idea or concept, but it is more important now, at this time, to be watchful of our prayer words, as well as our conversation and feeling than perhaps ever before. The pray examples of Jesus and many other Masters were always crouched in this positive manner. Perfect example is The Lord’s Prayer. Look at the prayers of Job as another example, with his many challenges.  Sometimes we cry out in disparity. We may wonder why all the turmoil and all the difficulty and trials seem to come upon us and in general within the world. We can hardly raise ourselves above the great weight of these things sometimes. Through our gratitude for more goodness, maybe not even manifest, we can create a place for them to manifest in our life and world. By this we can raise our selves up out of anything. We can turn around to face the Light and embrace that Light of God’s Love.

We’ve all heard that yesterday is forever gone and tomorrow is never here. Have we heard that there is an Eternal Now? Can we conceive that Now? Shall we respond to the Eternal Now as children of God and serve in Love or something else?

Perhaps it doesn’t matter by what name we call The Creator? Perhaps our realization that there is a Creator, a Designer of Life and every day, every Now, as we walk The Way of Righteousness, (Right use of the Law).  Think about this new paradigm we are in and the opportunities, to be the best we can each Be Now, moment by moment of each day. Explore the possibilities available along with the new ways of doing life or living life in this Light.

Actualize a new life in our New World and explore your new potential. The possibilities are tremendous. The Truth that radiates, vital dynamic health, higher understanding and a life with Peace of Mind, are Now. Know firmly in consciousness that “With God all things are possible” and through God’s Love we can heal the entire Earth starting with each one of us personally.  Our all encompassing, penetration power of loving thought energy, loving actions and words overflowing with goodness/Godliness can do wonders far beyond our expectations. Love!

As always we express our own personal thanks for the blessing of sharing and learning with you. It is with the deepest honor that we share these thoughts and send them with Love. We also share the Chirothesian Prayer:

Lord Jesus, take each of us by the hand And lead us gently up the little path, Through the narrow Gate, Through the Holy of Holies Into the Kingdom of God, where all Righteousness abounds. Here each of us are one with the Father, and we thank Thee, Father, that thou hast heard us, Thou always hearest us. And we thank Thee, Lord Jesus, for leading us into the Way of Truth, the Truth that frees, The perfect Love which casteth out fear, The Peace which passeth all Understanding, And the Way of Eternal Life.