
Loving shared by Dr. Grace Bonnell  1/7/2018


“…For behold, the kingdom of God is with you.” Luke 17:21 (Lamsa)

We may used this scripture other weeks but we feel it is well worth repeating. When we know more about the author of this scripture, Luke, perhaps that will help us all use this Truth more in our daily life.

Luke was a Medical Doctor, a native of Syria and a Gentile, not Jewish as were the other authors of the New Testament. (The definition: Gentile referred to someone of a non-Jewish faith or Nation.) As a Doctor his account of Jesus’ birth and life took on a different light. Also Luke wrote more for the Greeks who were at that period of time considered a more cultured society. They were noted for their love of natural beauty, rhetoric writing, philosophy, and were highly educated. It is said that in his accounts Luke presented Jesus as the idea if perfect manliness, that loved and revered women.

In this passage Jesus was responding to the Pharisees. The Pharisees were a Jewish set who were concerned with written law, man’s law mainly. They were generally known as being self-righteous and hypocritical in their attitudes and dealing with their fellow man.

This may explain some of the test proceeding and following our weekly scripture.

Although we generally think of Jesus as being very patient he was not always patient with those who were hypocritical. In reading the entire account of this exchange one can see his impatience. As always, we would encourage your reading, on your own, this entire chapter, especially from verse 20-37. We trust that this recommended private reading will put to rest any fear you may have about our world’s future and your role in that unfolding process.

Please always remember that God has a perfect plan and that plan, just as it was in the beginning, contains nothing but GOOD. As the words of an old hymn says,”As it was in the beginning is now and every shall be…world without end. Amen Amen.”

“The kingdom of heaven is the orderly adjustment of divine ideas in man’s mind and body. Heaven is not however confined to man’s consciousness. Heaven is everywhere present.”

We encourage daily meditation so we can be in closer attune-ment with these truths and be able to use the Power of God within us more effectively. The benefits are unbelievable and magnificent, we promise.

Emotions such as depression, despair, pity is said to be misplaced should they come into the Kingdom of God. It is recommend that these emotions be set aside when we consciously enter the Kingdom. They have no place when we live within our heart of hearts and make the connection to the Power of God, which solves any situation or challenge. Within the Kingdom we find Truth, Security, Love, Abundance of all kinds health, harmony, joy in relationships and life etc.

Sound like a place you would like to live? I want to go there day after day; moment after moment.

“The heart is a magnetic vortex through which all blessings of all essences and potentialities are received, integrated and focused…” Glenda Green’s book, Love Without End, came to our attention some years ago and was received with what we sometimes call an ah ha moment. In her book she explains about “The Sacred Heart”.  She goes on to share, “The heart carries an imprint of your true character and the Love that you are.” We recommend reading this book, “Love Without End” and the books that came after by the same author.

In Chirothesian Way of Life this spot within us has been referred to, for eons, as the Harmony Center. Our Co-Founder Dr. Bussell wrote what he called a Healing Meditation based on his studies of the ancient practices,  in which we use this Harmony Center in our meditation. Healing happens in the total physical body and in our daily life when we use prayer and meditation.

Today it seems that everyone is talking about their methods of mediation and the huge benefits. This is wonderful in our opinion. Please remember the Sacred Heart within no matter which method you may use. It will enrich you beyond your expectations.

Follow the order used and taught by Jesus the Christ for all mankind and womankind.  Be Still and know, “I and my Father are one.” Know this to be a truth about you personally as well as it was about The Savor of All. How can it be otherwise if we believe that we were created in the Image of God and that the Kingdom of God is within us? We invite you to try it and judge for yourself if it is Your Way.

In closing we share the prayer adapted from the White Eagle teaching:

May the light of Christ shining in our Hearts stand guard over out thought and guide our speech and actions into way of service.

May the light of Christ shine from our hearts to heal the sick in mind and body; to comfort the bereaved; to sustain the weary.

May the light of Christ illumine our understanding and the understanding of all humankind, bring true vision and awareness of the eternal life, and of the Divine within all men, women and children on earth.

May we each experience the truth that sets us free, the peace that passes all understanding and the love that sets us free.