Universal Harmony Part 4
As promised we present Part 4 of Universal Harmony, a lengthy thesis. This is subject of Universal Harmony is something we all contribute to each day, consciously or unconsciously with our thoughts and actions. Be aware and take time to be in Personal Harmony and share nothing but good with the World and Universe.
Some refer to the United States of America as a “Christian nation”. We would object. We are a nation of diversity, a National melting pot of people and ways of serving our God, by whatever title we choose to call that energy.
You may think we have wandered away from our topic Universal Harmony but please be assured, we are not, but are trying to impress our need of greater understanding of what harmony is and what the lack of it means to all mankind. We know that personal and universal harmony is a very, very vital ingredient in what is needed today, not only in our own wonderful county, but in every county of the world.
We do not hear harmony , mentioned in media today. We do hear little ripples of the great ideal of Peace. May we pause for a moment and ask this question: Could Peace exist without harmony? We say, “Emphatically no!’ For certain, the only fool-proof formula for Peace, whether on a small personal or a world-wide scale, is the same: two part LOVE and one part Harmony. This combination brings Peace to the heart of any one or to any group, state, or nation. This is a principle of creation. We have tried other formulas, which have brought us to where we are today and Harmony nor Peace has been the result.
“This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you.” Harmony and peace is without judgement or criticism or slander. But loving the Divine Center of All and seeking the understanding, which Universal Harmony practice brings to our own hearts and minds. Without harmony, we find only the product of bigotry and distrust.
Harmony, like peace, must originate in the individual human heart. The desire must be much stronger than it has been, if it is to be realized. Therefore, anything each of us may do to advance the incentive or to create an overwhelming mass desire for Universal Harmony within ourselves, will advance the cause. Regardless of our own desire, unless we establish and maintain perfect harmony in our everyday life and do all within our power to advance the cause of an established Universal Harmony, we are falling short of our purpose.
We have let indifference or carelessness become a part of our everyday life and our work will surely been inferior and unsatisfactory to both ourselves and the Universe. We would be quick to say, you were doing your best then. But we live and breath in the NOW. Habits can be changed with better understanding resulting in an outcome that will be of more benefit for all.
Perhaps we have been under the impression that this job of Universal Harmony is too monumental for us. Has our response been, “I am only one.” You are the important one and when you live in harmony with yourself you are part of the “We”, which is a definite requisite of Universal Harmony.
We are called to be in personal Harmony with our God, NOW and send out our thoughts of Universal Harmony to ALL mankind. Like a bubble or blanket, your choice in visualization, you may give your thought the color of blue, if you like. But always remember to build Universal Harmony with your thoughts, actions, speech and feelings. And continually renew your own harmony as you send out Universal Harmony. It isn’t a one time activity, it is at least a daily activity. Live, Breath and Be Harmony.
We shared “The Exercise” by Co-Founder Dr. D.J. Bussell in our second edition of this series. This series is based on Dr. Bussell’s thesis titled “Universal Harmony” written in the late 1940’s, with direct quotes and Dr. Grace’s guided rewrites.
It is with great honor and humility that we share these thoughts at this time in our World, 2017. It is our prayer that we all use the formula for the peace that passes all understanding: two part LOVE and one part Harmony.