Universal Harmony Part 3
As promised Part 3 of Universal Harmony, a lengthy thesis, written in the later 1940’s, in a period of Nationally crisis, which comes close to today, I will condensed slightly for you. This is subject of Universal was considered extremely important then and it is today in my opinion.
God is Love, an attribute of harmony; and God in a group would certainly not allow anything less than harmony in that group. This is the reason we gather with people of like mind, whether in person or in mind at a set time.
This is a beautiful and powerful week end to join together to focus on the Truth of God’s Universal Harmony. We can join together from wherever we are and know “there am I in the midst of them”, Matthew 18:20.
“There is a powerful synchronistic alignment occurring in the Heavens this weekend that will give ALL of us the opportunity to add greatly amplified frequencies of Light to whatever it is we are striving to co-create in our own life and the lives of Humanity. Through the weekend we will be blessed with the Snow Moon, a Lunar Eclipse and the New Year Comet.” reports Patricia Cota Robles.
Also during the powerful week is the call for all toners, it is the 15th Annual World Sound Healing Day will take place. “There are toning groups, concerts and many other activities that take place to bathe the Gaia Matrix—our beloved Mother Earth—with a sonic valentine to enhance our evolution.” reports P. Cota-Robles.
We have included these reports to emphasis the current application for group energy, with the same goal of Universal Harmony. There are people all over the world who continue to work and we can join them toward the success of Universal Harmony. We urge every to join in with their hearts and mind.
The person who practices the maintenance of harmony in their own life soon finds it much easier to establish harmony in ones contact with others. For, when the “me” of me is in perfect harmony with the “I” of me, one-half the battle is won, because I am not emanating an antagonistic attitude toward others (anyone).
Text: Universal Harmony is simple returning to the original Divine creation; “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”
Many thousands of years later, however, we here n Planet Earth have so effected the rhythmic economy and so disturbed the original perfect Plan that we stand in danger. While man has been so busily engaged in paying God the questionable compliment of creating a universe more to man’s liking, but less to his need, and attempted an improvement on perfection he has broken up the great Universal Harmony, and in its place has established an economy designed without rhythm or reason.
This situation is not a new one. Lack of harmony existed thousands of years ago between Cain and Abel because of an absence of understanding. And I will add humility. Like Cain, we are impertinently asking, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” This attitude is the father of tolerance and enemy of understanding.
In Jesus’ first great sermon, which He preached in the hills north of Capernium to a widely varied congregation; “Therefore, all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do even to them…” The principle involved in this admonition did not fall on ears to which it was unfamiliar. For, regardless of the faith, world teachers have universally taught this principle, sometimes in spirit and again in words. We know it as part of the Golden Rule.
In general the application of the Golden Rule would solve most of the political problems of the world today, just as it would have centuries ago. Men disregard its simplicity and resort to force and hateful thinking, action etc.
We do not advocate, nor even suggest, that in this advanced and complicated society in our rapidly changing world, all the precepts practiced by Jesus would or could become adaptable to the great mass of humanity who live, as it were in each other’s back yard, with world communication and travel what they are today. The nature of man, however, has not changed. We merely know each other more intimately and dislike each other more cordially, maybe.
Note: Remember this text was written in the 1940’s. Interesting? Next week we shall attempt to finish this series with the help of our Vibrant Thoughts for this week we will prevail. God is; I am