“The Exercise” by Co-Founder Dr. D.J. Bussell

Dravidian Cross1  As promised this week we offer the words exactly the way they were presented by Dr. Bussell in his thesis “Universal Harmony.” It seems appropriate to note a little time line and back ground of our Dear Dr. Bussell before we present “The Exercise.”

Dr. Bussell was accomplished in his many accomplishments prior the becoming a Minister.  He was born in the late 1800’s in Kansas. He managed and owned several successful farms. With his keen interest in government he was active in State and National government issues as a corporate attorney. He was held is high regard by his piers as he worked his way through the business world including his work in National issues. This thesis was written in the vernacular commonly used by him. “The Exercise” show a small sample of the language usage.

Now for the exercise. First of all, establish the general location of the harmony center well enough in your mentality that you can instantly direct your thought thither. Now, think of the harmony tome at that point, thus picking up your own harmony tone; carry the thought to the top of the head, then direct it down the left side of the body, beginning with the left arm; send the thought out over the left shoulder, the upper arm, the elbow, the lower arm, the wrist, the hand the fingers and thumb of the left hand, leaving the tome there. Return to the harmony center, pick up the harmony tone, carry it to the top of the head, and this time think down through the left shoulder, through the torso, the small of the back, then out through the left hip, the thigh, the knee, the calf of the leg, the ankle, and the left foot, leaving the tone there. Returning again to the harmony center, follow the same procedure for the right side of the body. Then return once more to the harmony center, pick up the tone, carry it to the top of the head, and this time start down through the neck, following the spinal cord through the shoulders, the torso, the small of the back, and on through the tip of the spine; continue the thought tence up the from side of the body, through the pelvic region, the abdomen, the chest, lungs, and throat, through the cavities of the face, on up to the point of beginning at the top of the head.

We see that we have traversed all the great nerve trunks of the body, have visited all the ganglia and nerve centers, all the glands and cavities of the body. Then, while every nerve and nervelet is carrying this harmony to every cell of the body we fill our thoughts with the realization, “I am perfect harmony,” holding that thought for about a minute, to establish our own perfect harmony.

This, however, is only the beginning, – an important one, to be sure, but not entirely necessary to the pursuit of Universal Harmony. Never the less, harmony must come in the life of each individual; for Universal Harmony is not “I,” and it is not “you,” it is not “we.” To establish this type of harmony, at least two persons are required. Therefore this treatise being concerned chiefly with Universal Harmony this is extremely important.

Next week Part 3 of Universal Harmony, a lengthy thesis, written in the later 1940’s in a period of crisis Nationally, which will be condensed slightly by yours truly; Dr. Grace, student of Dr. Bussell sense before birth 1935.