In The Silence


2018 February 11 Lesson

Our phrase this week is “In the Silence”

We have talked before about the teaching and life examples of Jesus, who became The Christ The Anointed One, as being all those things for all humanity, not for just a select group. A brilliant writer, translator of Aramaic, the language Jesus and his family spoke, is where one may find this thought substantiated. We have taken the question to The Silence and from our personal discernment agree his account to be true. We certainly urge everyone to use your own Divine Gift of discernment with all ancient and modern or current teachings, mine included.

In the Silence Jesus went to the mountain to pray more than one time. He approach every healing and every situation presented with a moment of silence. The question than must be asked of anyone who proclaims Jesus is Lord…If this was the way Jesus lived; and he said we were to do “all the things I do” is not the Silence our first step in prayer and meditation? If those prayers and meditations are to be valuable and productive?

To achieve that which is of need or the topic in our prayers and meditations?

Would this approach help tremendously with the trials before the both personal and world?

Our suggestion is to try this approach before throwing the entire idea out. It doesn’t cost to direct our prayer and meditation through the silence, in the heart before letting it enter the head. Always remembering “Not my will, but thine be done” Luke 22:42. In our life, prayers and meditations. The Silence approached in this manner, I’m sure there will bring an answer that is heard, felt from within or be materialized in our life and the world.

Be Happy in the Silence this week. Be Happy in knowing that God is our salvation in all things in this life experience.

Prayer Choices


Prayer Choices

In our world we have many choices and as you read this you may ask; Why more choices? We would humbly submit that if our prayers sometimes are not effective, in every area of our daily life, perhaps those prayers need to be ‘tweaked’, to use a rather new way of putting ‘changed’.

This is not to say that all prayer is not of valuable. For in truth every prayer is valuable indeed. The thought vibration behind a prayer, the method may be differ. But there is only One Creator of all Life and personally we don’t think that the Creator cares what title he/she is given as long as we acknowledge a power greater than us always for all areas of our life. This creative force, we call God, is the power that sustains ever step of our life and it is there for our right guidance step by step in all situations. But we must ‘choose’ to listen and follow that guidance.

When we choose to live every moment in an attitude of forgiveness, gratitude and love, as Jesus did, we are walking the path of life as righteous people and following the supreme example of Jesus and many avatars before him. The choice is ours and our choices when focused on the highest good for all, does create the conditions we live in personal and global. The vibration of our thoughts create waves, undetectable to our vision, but they radiate out throughout the world and create a corresponding result to our thought. This has been proven by the modern vibration detection instruments of our generation. When will we accept our power of prayer? When will we get into the habit of not begging in our prayers? Did Jesus beg? Choose to bring the vibration, the thoughts within the heart closer to the Master and not allow any thought or mention of illness, lack or strife enter? When will we choose to focus on and be grateful for the accomplished topic of our prayers even before it is visible to our physical eye? “Thank you Father that though has heard me, thou hearest me always.” and “Your Father knows what you have need of”. All things you have need of were prepared before you were created. Further we have been told to get into the “attitude of gratitude” for the kingdom of heaven to be ours now. Not sometime in the future, NOW. All these results can be ours if we make the choice to follow the advise given so many times by so many Avatars and Saviors.

The choice is a life changing attitude to focus of each ones heart and mind. Without focus and directed intention, unknown, unusable, or unfamiliar thoughts come into our minds and we fail to be effective in all our endeavors. Raising one’s consciousness above resentment of all the things life presented to us and establishing a heart of unconditional forgiveness will not be easy, but the effort will produce harmony, peace and love within and around us.

Perhaps this is the lesson in every challenge of life we face; A call to focus on raising one’s thought above the seeming problem and give thanks for the guidance through and past this problem. We know the guidance is every present, however if our heart and mind is not focused on the acceptance of the guidance we may miss it entirely.

Perhaps we can make it a practice of looking at challenges of all kinds as blessings. Scientific tests have proved that we can not focus on two things at one time. Choose to focus on the solution not the problem. So what are you focusing on? Perhaps making the choice to focus on being grateful for the beauty of life not the problems of life?

This week let us focus on forgiveness of self and others unconditionally. Join in this prayer for peace within and without:

Universal God … We stand with a forgiving heart, in the light of your forgiveness, as we acknowledge our oneness with all life through your Love and Grace.

As Jesus the Christ, who introduced the Power of Love to mankind, we thank you for showing us a path to follow.

LET us to create within ourselves a new heart, where peace may have a large place. As we are inspired to become more and more aware of your guidance always.

Bless and guide all whose duty it is to direct the affairs of the world, so that truly the kingdom on earth may be in harmony with the Kingdom of God.

We open the doors of our hearts to let God’s Light shine fully into the world in humble ways.

These things we ask in gratitude for we know all things are possible with you, God. Amen

A powerful result surely will follow when we can recognize that we are all one, from The One, and we are focused on peace through love and a forgiving heart. Accept it; See it; Be it!

St Francis of Assisi puts it perfectly when he says that he who has not learned to forgive has lost the greatest source of joy in life.








Sometimes just in the very process of living we forget we have choices in all our expectations as well as our experiences. I submit here … we do have those choices, sometimes on a moment by moment opportunity.

Our scripture for the week comes from Psalm 62:5. In reading it, it appears someone or something is speaking to our soul, which perhaps none of us can quite understand. Perhaps it is something we consciously don’t have to remember. With this impression we might also ask what is our soul?

Antiquity has taught us the; soul is man’s consciousness; that quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself. We today affirm our Statement of Being as summing this up in this way…God is; I am.

Another words, when our soul, our consciousness, is waiting upon or is focusing upon God, our expectations will naturally come from God, from within; and be in harmony with God’s master plan for us and the results will be great and abundant.

The use of our mentality in our action, through our choice, constitutes Righteous Thinking or Right Thinking or Right Action. This is the activity of choosing which thoughts we are going to let remain in our mentality/mind and they are the elements of being prepared for the good in every area of our life experience. Good is what we were put on this earth to experience but through misunderstanding or misplacement of our power of thought we may have missed the boat perhaps. When we truly can choose and than affirm as Jesus the Christ, “Thy will be done” in all situations, we are sure our to have a deeper understanding. There naturally will follow a beautiful outcome to all our choices, of whatever it is that we may be about to experience or are experiencing.

Experiences will continue to appear and challenge our choice making perhaps, even some unsought experiences may appear, but we, being prepared, and with our affirmation focus “Thy will be done”, will direct our energy in the right direction and the outcome will surely be wonderful in ways would might never expect if our expectations are not great.

Let us be quick to also point out, gently, a loving parent would not have their child suffer. And if we believe that God is our creator/parent who provided us with all we would ever need in this beautiful world/universe in which to live, would He/She not have supplied us all the tools to live without limitations?

When we make the choice to turn over any and all adversities to God and expect great results, our life load will be lightened and light. We will be transformed and prepared for anything. We will be able to transmute everything from negative to positive. The only choice we do not have to make is how big or what we anticipate within our expectations. Leave it to “Thy will be done.”

A promise from the Old Testament tells it clearly and is recorded in Proverbs 10:28; “The hope of the righteous will be gladness. But the expectation’s of the wicked will perish.”

Choose carefully the thoughts you allow to pass thought your heart and mind. Choose carefully what you focus upon.

Will you focus on the Gift of Living a righteous life? Or on the ‘what if’s’ and trama that whirl around us every day? Will you choose to think from your heart as Proverbs reads, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”?

Will you choose to think in your heart first and discern with your head second? The choice is for each one of us to make for ourselves.

Blessing and Love, Dr. Grace

The Power of Light


The text we used is attributed to Jesus and we are not suggesting that it is not accurate in any way. However, in today’s world, as we know more completely that God’s Truth is in all belief/life faiths, therefor it seems appropriate to bring up something what we have come to believe as The Will of God…Jesus was born as the “Savior of all” not just one group or the other. All are the children of God, the Creator of all life. Therefore we trend to take that word as truth; “Savior of all”

We don’t believe that The Creator would create something he/she did not love. God is love and everything that was created was created in love. And nothing was created without that element, nor was anything created that was not “Good”. And the very first thing that was created was Light. (Genesis 1:3) All that was created was for all of us to use not abuse or waste. Quite a responsibility? However, among the many gifts, as people, we were given was the gift of Light to see and the gift of discernment to know the good and the power of that Light to use to not only see, but the power of Light to shine on anything that is lacking in harmony and there by make changes.

With this higher type of action changes that are executed are everlasting changes; just as all life if everlasting. If we use the same formula as original creation, we can not loose but will be victorious with God as our Guide.

Man/woman has created much in this world and today we can enjoy the benefits of much of that creation. We are sure however that there are situations and conditions in our personal and world life that are not in harmony with the original plan of God’s creation, which result in many element far from the original creation.

Today life in general is stressful and our hearts hurting too much. This was not ordained to be so. This is not ‘just the way it is’ and we are helpless, without the tools. Rather we have the power of Light and Love in our life to make changes happen. It is our choice which action of living we shall choose: Fight or Flight, Light and Love.

They say history repeats and the accounts of history tend to prove that true. Certainly we have tried the fight and flight paths with unstinting results at minimum. Perhaps?

I remember as a child going to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for the 4th of July firework spectacular and the lighting of a match by all that attends. One person at a time, lighting a single stick match, brought the coliseum from darkness to blazing light brighter than the fireworks they shot off during the show. I was too young to light a match the first time I attended so Mom light two, held one in each hand and my helped by holding that one hand with ‘my light.’ It was a beautiful and powerful image of the strength when one little match, action, joined with the 93,607 other lights in the Coliseum. An image I’ll always carry with me.

We have seen how we become what we think, in small ways perhaps. Our ideas and thoughts are the lights by which change can happen. They may be small alone, but when they join with unknown other universal ideas and together change happens. A new dawn happens. The quantum number has been met world wide. Shall we join them and Light our Light today so as to create harmony; filling all the corner of darkness with total Light?

Many times I suggest, Try it, you may like the results. This is one of those times. Be the Light. Claim unity with The Mighty I am and every I AM within everyone in the World, rise up and know God is; I am. Be the Light. Use The Power of Light.